Information on the Members of the Board in Trade Register
The purpose of the Trade Register entries is to provide public up-to-date information about companies operating in Finland. It is of importance that the Trade Register information is up-to-date, i.e., that amended or out-dated information is revised or completely removed as early as possible.
Termination of the board membership is not dependent on whether the termination has been registered with Trade Register or not. Hence, a former member of the board of directors has no right to act in this position although the membership would still be noted in the Trade Register. If the Trade Register entry is not up-to-date a third person may trust the Trade Register entry (for example on the person’s right to represent the company) unless he/she is in possession of correct information. It is, therefore, important that all new information concerning the company’s executives is notified to the Trade Register and all old information removed therefrom. All Trade Register entries or notifications on amendments have to be made to the register authorities without delay. A notification on amendments has to made, for instance, when the articles of association of a limited liability company are amended.
Everyone who has resigned from the position entered into the Trade Register or whose office entered into the Register has been terminated has himself/herself a right to submit a notification thereof.